Keeping Heads Clear: Lice Checks In NYC

Lice infestations happen all the time. Some companies specialize in screening, treatment and education. They prioritize safety and use natural, non-toxic products. NYC public schools have a no-nits policy, meaning children with live lice must stay home from school until treated. The city doesn’t contract with delousers for school checks, but they can be hired by parent groups and private schools.

Lice Checks

Lice are tiny parasites that latch onto the scalp and feed on blood. They are not hardy and can only live on the head for 30 days before they die. They can also be spread through direct contact between people, or through sharing combs, brushes, hair ties, helmets and other items. Over-the-counter products like Nix and Rid contain ingredients like permethrin or pyrethrins, which are approved by the FDA to kill lice and eggs. These products need to be applied twice, a week apart, in order to work effectively.

Our technician comes directly to your home and provides comprehensive head Lice Removal NYC treatment using a non-toxic strand by strand nit removal technique. We also offer a lice prevention education session during your appointment to help you keep your family lice-free in the future. We accept cash, checks, FSA/HSA and most major credit cards. Call to schedule your appointment today!

Lice Treatments

Lice are tiny parasites that crawl from one hair strand to another, where they lay eggs (nits). These eggs can’t be seen with the naked eye. The lice and their nits can be removed with an all-natural product or a chemical treatment. Over-the-counter treatments containing pyrethrins or pyrethroids, such as Nix and Rid, are still recommended by the American Academy of Pediatrics, but many lice have become resistant to these chemicals. Preventive shampoos — often formulated with essential oils, which can cause itching — may reduce the risk of getting lice but do not treat an existing infestation.

Before beginning treatment, an expert lice specialist will first confirm the presence of lice and nits. Then, she will apply an all natural solution to the scalp and carefully comb out lice and nits using a lice comb. Finally, she will meticulously hand pick any remaining nits to ensure that the infestation is fully eradicated. It is important to get every single louse or nit out as any remaining nits will start the cycle all over again.

Lice Prevention

Lice infestations can be prevented by regularly combing hair with a lice or nit comb to remove any nits that have attached themselves to the scalp. Families should also instruct their children to not share hats, combs or brushes as head to head contact is how lice is transmitted. In addition, all clothing, sheets and towels should be washed in hot water and placed in the dryer on a high heat setting to kill any live lice or nits. Any stuffed animals that have come into contact with a lice infested individual should be washed and sealed in plastic to prevent the spread of lice to other items. Itching is a common sign of lice, as are sores or open wounds on the scalp. Parents should also check their children’s bodies for other signs of lice, such as:

Lice Education

Lice are tiny, grayish-white parasites that live on the scalp and feed on blood. They can’t jump or hop like fleas, and they only spread through direct head-to-head contact. While it is possible for Lice Checks NYC to be transmitted indirectly via combs, brushes, hats and helmets, that’s not the norm. It’s also impossible for them to survive off the human head for more than a day. Gothamist spoke with a few delousers who screen for head lice and treat them to learn more about the bug. Although they say business dropped during the COVID-19 pandemic as kids practiced social distancing, they’re now back to work and reporting an increase in cases.

They also stress that “no-nit” policies — in which a child must stay home until there are no live lice on the head — don’t make much sense. In fact, the American Academy of Pediatrics says such policies are ineffective and can stigmatize children. They recommend parents check their own heads regularly and teach their children the importance of good personal hygiene.


Gothamist spoke with several delousers who screen kids for lice and treat them as they find them, who say they’re seeing more outbreaks this year than usual. They don’t like to disclose the exact numbers because schools don’t keep centralized data. They do know that the kids they work on are going back to school with lice and nits.